Whitetail Deer Articles/Newsletter

New Feature Added to Dr. Deer

Over 20 years ago when we first came out with materials (see books and videos) on aging deer live onthe hoof, we were criticized by professionals, who said: 1) you cannot accurately age deer live, and 2) if you could we could not teach folks like YOU how to do it! Well, the first year the video was available, we sold 50+ thousand copies, and the book was a best seller. Today, we see almost everyone of these "critics" offering opinions on TV or in magazines about the age of some buck or doe. QDMA and other organizations regularly include this feature in their shows or publications. The problem is, they often use a panel to make the final decision, wihtout even knowing the true age of the deer. So you can learn better, we now include on the front page a photograph each month of a KNOWN age deer, then at the end of the month we will give you the exact age. You can send us your opinion through the Contact Us section. Have fun!

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