The new season of Whitetail Slam aired its first episode of the season, with wonderful comments from viewers. The show is aired twice each week, with prime time showing at 7:30 pm (EDT) on Sundays. "I am proud and honored to be the host," says Dr. Kroll, "working with men like Tom Miranda is a real pleasure." Doc points out Tom is probably the best hunter he has known, and the show merges their love of deer hunting and perfectionism in TV programming. "We wanted to produce a show that both entertained and informed the viewer," Doc adds, "and I think we hit the mark dead on!" He reports that more and more, viewers are asking for more informative shows; ones that make you a better hunter. Watch and we think you will agree.
The purpose of establishing the Slam is to bring hunters to a whole new concept in trophy hunting. It is NOT about Boone-and-Crockett or Pope-and-Young score, but a trophy-class experience, traveling the range of the species meeting new challenges in varying habitats. "We also emphasize the people who hunt in differing geographic regions," says Kroll, "there are a lot of traditions to experience and enjoy."