Each year, Dr. Kroll conducts a live broadcast of the annual deer necropsy (health check) at Turtle Lake Club, Hillman, Michigan. Those who tune in get to see examples of the various metrics we use to manage deer herds; plus diseases and parasites. This year, you are invited to attend the necropsy, help out, and learn a great deal about deer anatomy. The necropsy generally is conducted on the second Saturday of February, but the date is not firm right now. We are only taking 5 individuals for this, and there will be a charge to handle housing, transportation and meals. Attendees will arrive on Friday at Alpena Airport or drive in, arriving after lunch. We will have a social held at a nearby facility, followed by the necropsy on Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm. Attendees can leave any time after noon on Saturday or Sunday morning. Of course, if you cannot attend, you always can watch our Internet broadcast. If interested, please contact us (Click Here) ASAP, as it will fill up quickly. Members will be given preference and a discount. See you there!